The Role of National Secretary

Since we lost Brian Turner in the spring of 2013,

the role of Secretary has been carried out by The Chairman…

or at least he has tried his best. Brian was a hard act to follow.


In 2014, since the New Year, we have been fortunate in having valuable

support from Ivor Davies, from Huddersfield, who currently commands

what is left of H (HSF) Company 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Volunteers.

“Command” is not a term he would use, I realise.

If you served with this Company at Huddersfield, Halifax, Barnsley or Leeds,

please get in touch. Indeed, if you served with the HSF Companies of 2Yorks,

4Yorks, or any other HSF Squadron of Battery, please shout.

Ivor has been circulating information about disbandment throughout the land.

After disbandment, hopefully in the summer of 2014, we will no longer

need a Secretary, but we will continue to communicate and meet as

and when we can. Perhaps this website will help.